Does botox age your skin?

Shereene Idriss, a dermatologist who works in New York City, says the average age of her clientele is getting younger every year. After using Botox continuously for years, your muscles will be trained not to make expressions that form wrinkles so aggressively. And for skin care, skincare products can't lift the skin, so skin that's very sagging and damaged by Botox won't be repaired with skincare serums or scrubs. Wexler says that some patients complain of visible skin thinning after many years of using Botox. When Botox is used for an extended period of time, lack of muscle use causes muscle atrophy, causing the muscle to shrink and sag as it would anywhere else in the body.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, an increasing number of people under 30 disburse thousands of dollars on cosmetic procedures, including fillers, skin rejuvenation treatments, and injections of neuromodulators such as Botox. This isn't common, but Wexler says that patients who start using Botox too soon, such as when they're in their early 20s, may be at risk of this side effect. He also recommends looking for ingredients such as vitamin A (the most common form is retinol) and antioxidants that promote cell renewal and collagen production and defend the skin against environmental aggressions. Plus, when the skin barrier is damaged, it can't hold water, Jeffy says, often causing skin inflammation and the breakdown of collagen in the face.

If you've been getting Botox injections, this means that fillers, facelifts, and skin care won't work for you. When Botox is used, the muscles near the injection site are paralyzed for approximately 6 months, preventing facial movement in the affected area. Therefore, it can be deduced from the above that the injection of Botox into the skin will cause bone loss in the area over time, which will cause a degradation of the skeletal structure and will cause an aged appearance. Jeffy says that this collagen degradation can cause wrinkles earlier in life and the desire to undergo cosmetic procedures, such as neuromodulator injections.

Botox injections are generally safe, but Williams says that applying them for a long period of time can cause atrophy, in which a muscle decreases in size and deteriorates due to lack of use. Although the FDA has approved the use of Botox in people over 18 years of age, Idriss does not recommend giving injections to people younger than 21 years of age who do not have visible wrinkles. Static wrinkles remain visible on the skin while the face is at rest and are the result of a loss of elasticity and collagen in the skin.

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